jeff stop



“Jeff, stop annoying me. Miss Jeff is annoying me. Jeff stop, otherwise go away!” Michael yelled in an increasingly agitated tone. 

The door slammed loudly as Jeff walked out of the classroom. Jeff went home and watched t.v. 


The next day he woke up angrier and looked like a zombie and he went to school looking like a zombie. At school he got even angrier. 


“Move out of my way.” Jeff snapped at other students as he entered the classroom. In class it got worse. Jeff was pushing kids off their chairs, pushing tables over, breaking pencils and punching kids. 


Michael yald “bro snap out of it” as Jeff ran up the stairs to the top of the school where the paragliders were. 

“Jeff, stop!” Michael shouted “don’t do it!” 

Jeff pushed two people who were waiting their turn off the top of the building. Since they did not have any gear or gliders, it was lucky the first victim landed in the school pool, whilst the other landed in the neighboring river. Thankfully all of the other victims had paragliders on already. Then one of the paragliders pushed Jeff off the roof. Jeff fell straight onto the concrete and went Splat!! Crack!! All of his bones shattered into little pieces and he died from the impact. One year later everyone remembers that day Jeff got angry, and tried to kill everyone they learned not to get angrier.


Written by Bayden Foster

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